Monday, December 12, 2011

Travel to Yangon (October)


I am supposed to visit Yangon for several days in mid October and am concerned about the current protests at and near the Schwedagon Pagoda. I see no warnings on the US Embassy website.

Has anyone been to Yangon this week and if so, any suggestions as to whether it is a dangerous situation? I know that things could change a lot between now and several weeks from now...



Travel to Yangon (October)

No way of knowing which way it will devellop... ask again by the end of this week.

Travel to Yangon (October)

Ivwe got some friends who have just returned. The internet is totally out and the phoines are alos out. There is a curfew in Rangoon and other cities. I wouldnt say it would be much of a place to visit especially as you cant go out at night!!



My wife and I spent Sunday afternoon October 7th at the Pagoda. Very few tourists especially Westerners. We saw one monk the whole time there. Would suggest you enter with a licensed Burmese Tourist Guide as we did. Greg

My wife and I spent Sunday afternoon October 7th at the Pagoda. Very few tourists especially Westerners. We saw one monk the whole time there. Would suggest you enter with a licensed Burmese Tourist Guide as we did. Greg

Myanmar update

Has anyone recently returned from Myanmar? Would appreciate guidance on whether this is a good time to visit. (Am planning to be there in December. Am wondering if the local planes are flying on schedule, etc.) If anyone has a specific guide to recommend I would appreciate that as well! Many thanks.

Myanmar update

Not recently been, but have been following the situation closely.

Night curfew has now been lifted in Yangon and Mandalay. Flights are not completely as per schedule... presumably due to low demand. Myanmar Airlines International, have reduced their flights due to insurance issues, but are placing customers on code share flights with other airlines. Air Bagan have maintained most of their International flights but cancelled most of the internal ones. Yangon air, Mandalay air and Myanma air (domestic) are flying a more or less normal schedule.

Is it a good time? The 2007 season was expected to be a busy one. It now looks as if many are cancelling their plans due to the uncertainty. I do not think a visitor is going to find the current situation to be much different compared to a visit last year. Just fewer tourist around, I expect. The areas where one can travel and the modes of transport are unchanged. Perhaps more scrutiny of visitors with respect to journalist gaining entry. Visas are being issues as per normal and exchange rates are more or less unchanged.

Myanmar update

Thanks very much for your insight. Really appreciate it.

if you want to stay away from much tourists,that is the good time to travel in Burma,cause hotel and other were discount about situation is think quiet and stable,for peoples seem look poor and unhappy,if you come and visit some will be happy cause they will get job and income.

Hope you will be think to visit in ou country,and welcome you with happy and free

Voyages to Asia tour company


Sorry if this is regarded as spam; I thought it was worth noting for anyone considering travel to Myanmar/Burma.

I%26#39;ve emailed various tour companies who operate in Burma recently. I%26#39;ve said to each that I don%26#39;t agree with a policy of isolation and I think tourism can have a very positive effect but that I%26#39;d like to hear how they deal with government organisations there.

While I%26#39;ve received some very compelling arguments in reply I received only this from Voyages to Asia (

';mind your own business';

Which I think demonstrates a remarkable lack of regard for both potential customers and implies callousness toward the victims of the regime there. I think this is noteworthy for any considering travel in the area.


Voyages to Asia tour company

Deare Waxy Dan. your comments appear somewhat naive. Obviously there will always be two sides to a dispute. on the reports available to us, anyone would support the view of the protesters but unless there was a contrary view in Burma there wouldnt even be a problem. You have simply encountered someone (ie. ONE )with a contrary view to that of your own. (not everyone welcomes the implied values of an uninformed observer ) I must disagree that such a singular view is noteworthy when considering travel in Burma.

To form a valid opinion at least visit the country for a length of time. If you dont fancy it no one could blame you.

Voyages to Asia tour company

You made a few assumptions there. You don%26#39;t know where I%26#39;ve travelled or not. Neither do you know how informed I am. Also your use of the word %26#39;naive%26#39; appears to be entirely random and based, again, on assumption.

All that you do know is that I have explicitly stated that I do not agree that travellers should avoid Burma. That I contacted some companies who bring money into Burma to ask about their policies. That I received several very positive replies. Lastly that one replied back in an aggressive manner that, to my mind, implies some policies on their part that could easily be criticised.

I don%26#39;t use travel companies but I know people that do for perfectly good reasons; time, confidence, etc. I believe that most travellers who choose to use a tour operator in such a region would rather select one that operates ethically (for example; only employing local guides) which Voyages to Asia appears not to do.

I do realise that this is my view and others may disagree with it but doesn%26#39;t render it invalid.

garv.... Quote ';To form a valid opinion at least visit the country for a length of time. If you dont fancy it no one could blame you.';..

I noted that you are bailing out.. so what entitles you to lodge an opinion?.. you haven%26#39;t even been there and you obviously haven%26#39;t got a clue what the OP is writing about.

chill boys. just winding you up. dont take yourselves so seriously. mosegriesen ; do you ever do anything but write on travel websites ? get out more , do you good. hope to see you in Burma after xmas . i`ll be working there. ! again .

Only managed, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Singapore, Thailand (again) Vietnam, France, Switzeland, Check Republic, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Vietnam (again) this year.... you are right.. I really must get out more:-)....

Another example of Voyages to Asia%26#39;s views on the suffering of the people of Burma (see below).

Myself, I wouldn%26#39;t condem anoyone for visiting Burma independently and staying in privately-owned guesthouses, but anyone who travels with a big travel company like Voyages To Asia should note that the money they spend on government-sponsored hotels plays a part in propping up that goverment and that some of the ';tourist attractions'; they visit were built using forced labour.

More from Voyages to Asia:

Hello Liz,

We send about 500 travellers a year to Burma and will continue to do so, we do not care who you are and what you think.

Best regards,


I too received a similar derogatory message from this company when making a polite enquiry on their ethical policies and how they ensure that their trips go some way support local communities.

It was - ';Get a Life';

I believe this companies unscrupulous attitude should be publicised. I am not sure if this company are affiliated to ABTA (they are UK based) but mention that they are a member of the American Society of Travel Agents.

Maybe Lonely Planet/ Rough Guide %26amp; newspaper travel supplements would be interested would be interested?

Advice about our itinerary

We are going next month for our visit to Myanmar and have doubts about a part of our itinerary.

We are planned to stay three nights in Yangon and one night in Inle Lake.

Does it make sense? Or would you advice to stay two nights in Inla and two nights in Yangon?

Thank you all


Advice about our itinerary

One night in Inle does not really make sense to me. The day you arrive will not be much good to you and if you are leaving the next day, when are you going to be enjoying the lake and surrounds?

How many days are you in the country in total?

Are you flying into Yangon or Mandalay?

Advice about our itinerary

Thank you Mosegrisen for your reply.

We are two women and we will be in Myanmar total of 11 days.

We will make all the long distances by air ( 4 flights),

Regarding your advice and my feeling we will cut one day in Yangon and stay there about 11/2 days (two nights) and two nights in Inla lake, after the Taugyi Hot Air Ballon festival

I believe that in a time like this inla lake will be much pleasant place to stay then Yangon.

By the way, I have been to Brissbane last May amd enjoyed it there very much/

Hi Rivzid,

I agree with Mosegrisen. One night in Inle Lake is too short a time. I note you have about 11 days in Burma. Unless you are planning to go around to a number of oher places, I would try keep the 3 nights in Yangon also.

Best Wishes,


Thank you for your kind words about Brisbane:-)

Did you know that th Taunggyi Hot Air Ballon festival is very close to Inle lake? Actually you are likely to be staying at Nyaung Shwe for this event and travelling to the festival from there. (each day), as I very much doubt you will find a hotel any closer to the festival.

Are you planning to also go to Bagan or Mandalay.

I like Yangon very much, but agree that spending more time at or around Inle, the festival, Bagan and or Mandalay is going to give you a better feel for the country and people(s).

Mosegrisen is right. You may have to stay in Nyaung Shwe , gate way of Inle Lake . Usually in Taunggyi , most of the hotels are full with local in that festival and standard of hotels in Nyaung Shwe are better too. Taunggyi is only about 30 minutes away from Nyaung Shwe by private car .

I don%26#39;t know what plan you have and what type of transport you use, but if you arrive Taunggyi and stay one night for festival and next morning , you visit Inle, then one night in Inle is possible too. If you fly back to Yangon by air, then take afternoon or evening flight . So you have one and half day in Inle.


We spent 3 weeks in Burma last December and had a wonderful time. We started the trip in Rangoon then travelled to Inle Lake, Mandalay and Bagan before finishing the trip in Rangoon.

I can%26#39;t imagine only one night at Inle Lake. By the time you fly from Rangoon to Heho airport then take a taxi to your hotel that takes about 1 1/2 hours you will arrive in the afternoon. The boats don%26#39;t go out in the evening so you%26#39;d have only a few hours on the lake. To see the sites on the lake you really need at least one full day and two nights and preferrably 3.

Rangoon is interesting but if I had to choose I would definately spend the time at Inle. Inle Lake is a beautiful place and I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll have a great time. Good luck and happy travels,


Thanks to you all for your good advices.

Since we booked our trip a long time ago we managed to have a hotel in Taungi (The Taungyi hotel) which according to the local travel agent is a very good one.

We will stay there for two nights because we want to stay the Full Moon Nights.

Then we will drive to Inle Lake for two nights (according to your advices.)/

By the way Kat,after reading your post about The Rupar mandala rResort I will ask my change our agent to change our hotel in Mandaly from Mandaly Hill Resort to this one.

Thank you all again ,I just hope that everything will be quite there.

I am the one ,you can look in your ';';Latmetayel';';if I know the date,I can tell you the market day and ballon day and some where festivals around the Burma.

11 days by flight,that is good travel in short time.

Yangon just stay arrivalday(Depend on morning flight),stay one day before leaving to BKK.

and others days,you chose it,but Inle lake and ballon festival,you should stay 3 days in Nyaung shwe,(Inle lake).

and other places,you should go Bagan for 2 nights.

and mandalay,stay 2 days cause of the near by the places.

this is example for your trip.

Day(1)arrival in YGN and stay one night.

Day(2)to Bagan,morning flight,and stay ...BGN

Day(3)Bagan and near ,may be Mt popa.stay BGN

Day(4)BGN to MDL.go around Amayapura,and U paing bridge.and Inn wa,(AVA),sagaing,and stay MDL,

Day(5)Go by boat to Mingon,for half day and get back after noon and go around the MDL sight seeing and stay there.

Day(6)Flight to Heho(airport of Inle lake),take taxi to pindaya cave and proceed to Inle lake,that day you do not have the time to go to Inlake around stay Nyaung shwe,

Day(7)Inle lake area by boat,

Day(8),to go to kekku pagodas and Taung gyi for ballon,fes.and get back to Nyaung shwe,

Day(9)at evening flight back to Yangon and go sight seeing in YGN,stay YGN.

Day(10)near around or day trip to Bago,and may be other side of the YGN river and go visit to twin tway,potery side.and back to YGN.

Day(11) leave to BKK,

I hope yiu can think about it what I suggest,

happy and free

and welcome to Burma

Hi Moonloveshoreinburma

Thank you so much for all your suggessions.

Our itinerary is almost the same as you suggested.

I just hope that everything will be stable and quiet and we will be able to enjoy our trip/

I will post my reaction when I will be back.

Thanks to all of you and ENJOY LIFE!!!

Just a comment about the ruparmandalarresort.. Sure does look great.... with a price tag to match:-(

If you are looking for something special, without the big price tag... Check out this one:

Is it safe or not to travel to myanmar ?

Dear Readers

Hi!My name is Mary and from Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia and i need advice in regards to my Travel to Myanmar In November.since the protest incidents in august .I am really worried to Travel alone..

If anyone could share their ex perience recently and tips ,i really would appreciate it. This is my first time as a traveler .. How is the airport envinronment? the luggage area . How is the process done .I am really scared after reading abt the protest ..

Thank You.%26amp;Best Regards

Mary William

Is it safe or not to travel to myanmar ?

Dear Mary,

Some time , actually not some time, most of the time , media make big so they get attention from the people. They just show where and when is high light.

Nothing to be scare. Myanmar is back to normal and curfew is lifted . Airport is small and procedure is no much difference with any other international but you may see more friendly people .

I am sure , your trip will be pleasant and at the end , you may wonder that what you see and what you know from news is different.

Is it safe or not to travel to myanmar ?

Dear Mary,

Here are a couple of thoughts about safety where you are about to travel. I was in Burma at the time of the 1988 uprising and never felt threatened. One should always be alert to danger but my experience over decades of travel in totalitarian countries is that if you avoid areas of street demonstrations you are quite safe, in fact as a foreigner safer than in many democracies where particularly today outside terrorism is a threat. From all I read about the latest clashes it would seem that the opposition has gone underground and it is unlikely they will resurface as soon as next month when you are there. I don%26#39;t know your itinerary but other than Yangon and Mandalay I doubt that the recent troubles were even noticeable to travellers, say at Inle Lake and Bagan. So my advice is go for it! Myanmar is a land unlike any you are likely to see in your future travels - to paraphrase Rudyard Kipling.

Hello Mary,

From my recent contact with Burma by phone, things have settled down. The Shwe Dagon Pagoda and the Sule Pagoda have been reopened. I would agree with the others that as a tourist/foreigner, you will be safe. In fact the people respect the tourists/foreigners and would go out of their way to guide you from harms way if necessary.

When I was last there in January, the new international terminal is being completed and recently, my friends have returned and said the new terminal is impressive (considering what there was previously). Upon arrival you queue at the tourist/foreigners%26#39; desk. Upon completion of formalities you walk straight to the baggage area which, in fact you could actually see as you queue at the immigration desk.

Clearing the immigration and customs, you may find a crowd of people waiting for their guests. If you have someone, such as transport from the hotel, to meet you he/she will be amongst there, usually with a board with your name on it. Otherwise you may get offers for taxi and help to carry your luggage. Just firmly and politely decline if you don%26#39;t want their assistance and keep your luggage with you. You shouldn%26#39;t expect any problem. I dont know what your plans are, so this is in general terms.

Outside Rangoon (Yangon), Bagan, Ngapali or Ngwe Saung and probably Inle, Taungyi have been trouble free, so if you are going there, there should be no problem.


  • xp
  • Inle Hotel ?

    Hi mosegrisen and others

    I wanted to stay at the Inle Princess and tharabar gate in Bagan, but am being told by several agents that they are booked out. The hotels that were offered were the Thiripyitsaya Sakura River View Hotel (River Front Suit) and tThande River Side Hotel (Deluxe Garden View Room.

    In Inle Lake, there is the Inle Lake View

    Resort with Junior Suit Room.

    I have read people%26#39;s Tripadvior comments on these hotels .... and am not crazy about any of them.

    Does anyone have any other suggestions? I want luxury hotels .... but I think I am up a creek.



    Inle Hotel ?

    :I want luxury hotels .... but I think I am up a creek.';

    in a barb wire canoo and no paddle:-) so sorry!

    Guess your problem is that Myanmar is neigher for speed nor for comfort at the moment....

    Not sure how to help you.... Perhaps just get the best rooms you can and enjoy the luxory and comfort somewhere else.. You are not going to find it in Bagan or Inle....

    But frankly.. I have serious doubts about your travel agents... First about the paper ticket.. and now about hotels not being available.. are you certain that they actually know what they are doing?

    Inle Hotel ?

    Well, I am working with two different travel agents, and that%26#39;s what they are telling me........

    On 3 visits to Bagan, the last this past Jan., I have been very satisfied with the Thiripyitsaya, particularly with the units facing the river. It doesn%26#39;t measure up to the Governor%26#39;s Residence in Yangon or the Inle Princess but otherwise it is a comfortable hotel with good service and attractive grounds.


    We stayed at the Inle Lake View hotel and found it great. Dinners were of very high quality.

    I would definitly go back again.

    Have a nice trip,

    Have stayed a couple of times at the Thiripyisaya (once over New Year) and was more than happy , especially with the lay out , the pool and the view.

    Hi Bette

    Given the situation in Burma you may have changed your plans, but I have only just read your posting.

    We stayed in the Paradise B Hotel on Lake Inle last year and can highly recommend.

    We arranged our travel through Columbus Travels. Not sure if you can contact them now, but here are their details.

    Columbus Travels



    Pacific Asia Travel Co


    Most of the luxury hotels Myanmar are owned by friends/associates/relatives of the military junta that has just imprisoned 1,000 monks without trial.

    If you want to sleep soundly, I%26#39;d reccomend that you stay in a small privately-owned guesthouse.


    Firstly I%26#39;d recommend you do NOT stay at the Thiripyitsaya Sakura River View Hotel in Bagan. I got food poisoning there, found the

    staff rude and incompetent and the rooms to be in bad repair especially seeing it was the most expensive hotel we stayed at in Burma. We found it to be a real dissappointment %26amp; would not stay there again. We would definately choose the Bagan Hotel if we went back to Bagan. It was lovely, the food was good %26amp; the staff were really friendly and it had a great atmosphere about it.

    We stayed the Inle Lake View Hotel and were very pleased with the room, the service in general and the food was amazing! We particuarly enjoyed the french pastries at breakfast, just delicious!

    It was a very pretty, pleasant place and I would highly recommend it!

    The most impressive hotel we stayed at in Burma was in Mandalay. We asked our travel agent in Rangoon to stay somewhere other than the large western hotels such as the Sedona. We asked him if we could stay in more of a boutique type of hotel in Mandalay and he suggested the Rupar Manadalar which is situated just out of the center of Mandaly. It was an amazing place and our stay there was definately one of the highlights of our trip. The rooms were gorgeous, the staff incredibly attentive, the food was the best in Burma by a long shot and they have a huge pool and a beautiful spa. This hotel only recently opened the hotel rooms to western tourists but they have been operating several restaurants for a number of years. We spent Christmas there and had a terrific time.

    It was an amazing experience and I could not recommend it strongly enough!

    Check out the website:

    Happy travels


    Blink makes a very good point.

    As much as I loved the luxury hotels in Burma I agree that most of these hotels are owned by friends/associates/family of the junta. We tried to stay at places that were independantly owned but the reality is that anyone owning a luxury (or regular) hotel in Burma would have to be highly connected %26amp; in good favor with the generals.

    We were very torn whether we should travel in Burma at all but we decided to travel as mindfully as possible. We tried to give our business to family run restauarants and shops, hired local taxi drivers as guides, used a local travel agent, visited and made donations to nunneries and monastaries, completely avoided the sights where they used forced labour such as the Mandalay Palace.

    But I don%26#39;t think you can travel in Burma and not give at least some of your money to the junta. Airlines, hotels, ferries, entrance fees to tourist sites etc can not be completely avoided.

    Luxury hotels and the travel industry in general in Burma does employ a fair amount of regular Burmese people. Boycotting Burma and/or these hotels will hurt the people because they will lose their jobs if toursits don%26#39;t come. The Burmese people we met really wanted us there, they valued their jobs and really wanted to learn and have a chance at life. They do not want to be isolated.

    Just some thoughts, Kat

  • gloss
  • Myanmar 2007

    “This is Burma, and it will be quite unlike any land you know” - Rudyard Kipling

    A few observations on my latest visit to Myanmar:

    1. Air travel within the country has dramatically improved. In the ‘80s the only airline was government run and you were lucky if you had a complete seat belt; often there was only one strap. Safety record was terrible and parts would be cannibalized from one plane to keep another running. Once in Bagan I was stuck (pleasantly) for a few days because there were no parts left to cannibalize for the next leg of the flight to Mandalay. It’s all very different now with new planes and service as good as the other Southeast Asian airlines. And the timetables are no longer guesswork.

    2. Hotels are vastly improved since earlier trips and a few now rank with the best in the region. All hotels used to be run by the government and throughout the country the daily rate was $ 29. When you arrived at an airport you would be assigned a hotel so there was no advance booking. The 3 reserved for foreigners in Rangoon (now Yangon) were the Strand, Thamada (across from the train station) and Inya Lake. I stayed at all three and none was better than another. In the years before World War II the Strand was one of Asia’s grand hotels in a class with the Cathay in Shanghai and Raffles in Singapore. Now again beautifully restored the rooms (actually suites) at the Strand are $450 and up. For much less I stayed at the Governor’s Residence, also 5-star with top quality service and food.

    3. The temples at Bagan remain awesome and rival Cambodia’s Angkor Wat. However Angkor now has roughly 1.3 million visitors yearly, up almost 30% from my last visit in 2005. For those who enjoy temple ruins go to Bagan before it’s too late. A couple of hundred visitors spread over 3,000 temples means plenty of space to enjoy this magnificent setting. On all my trips I’ve stayed at the Thiripsyitsaya hotel on the banks of the Irrarwady River and it remains a favorite - now run as a joint venture with the Japanese Sakura chain.

    4. Along with Bagan no one should miss Inle Lake, a large body of water which at dawn or dusk can seem truly a mirage. There are 17 island villages built on stilts, each specializing in a trade like silk weaving, pottery or silver and also here farmers grow flowers, fruits and vegetables in incredibly fertile lake soil. Inle Lake is also famous for its boatmen who propel their boats by standing on one leg and wrapping the other around the oar. This is a magical place without crowds (yet) and my choice to stay is the Inle Lake Princess hotel built on a series of canals that are part of the lake. This region is also wine country and the reds are surprisingly good.

    5. A final reason I return to Myanmar is to visit the awesome Shwedagon Pagoda in the heart of Yangon. This is a great golden dome or stupa rising 300 or so feet built at least 2500 years ago as a religious shrine. It consists of a series of platforms or pavilions filled with statues, temples and smaller stupa. It has been described accurately as “quiet and contemplative, or colorful and raucous”. It is a center of everyday life in the city unlike so many monuments that attract primarily tourists. The only change I noticed in 18 years is laser beams have replaced twinkling lights around the dozens of religious symbols. Anyplace else the Schwedagon would cry out Las Vegas but in Yangon it is pure magic. Be sure to visit in the evening when the lighting against the gold of the stupa is at its best.

    With the exception of Vientiane, Laos the capital cities of Southeast Asia are having a building boom. But Yangon still with extensive parks and gardens lags well behind Hanoi and Phnom Penh in development. If the country intrigues you and you are somewhat adventurous this is probably the time to follow in Kipling’s footsteps and be surprised at what you find.

    Myanmar 2007

    Thanks for your info. I am intending to travel to Myanmar in a couple of weeks. I only have a week - where would you recommend I go. I assume both Yangon and Bagan - however is Mandalay also worthwhile?


    Myanmar 2007

    Yes, I would recommend Mandalay as my 4th choice after Yangon, Bagan and Inle Lake but my only visit to the city was 25 years ago. I think it has become more commercial as trade with China has expanded so I suspect it is not as laid back as earlier. This year my plane from Bagan to Inle Lake stopped at Mandalay and if you can arrange a similar flight you could overnight in Mandalay before going on to the lake. If you have 7 nights total you might think of 2 in Yangon (perhaps going and coming), 2 each at Bagan and Inle Lake and 1 for Mandalay.

    I have fond memories of Phnom Penh, strolling along the Mekong and enjoying the museum. Now I hear there%26#39;s a building boom taking place. So good you will see Myanmar before it%26#39;s too late!

    All very nice for you BUT what about ';the lady'; still banged up after all these years...why not listen to her advice to STAY AWAY ...she IS the democratically elected leader after all..

    Thanks for your extremely thoughtful impressions. Did you get to Mandalay? If so, was it worthwhile? Despite recent events, I am planning a trip to Myanmar in December and am torn between Inle and Mandalay. (Don%26#39;t have time for both.)

    stugletKent, please do not mix with politic. Only a few dollars go to government and meantime, the people are suffer between both side. It is not easy for the people with empty stomach , waiting for democracy. A lot of people in Myanmar need tourist dollars for their life to continue.


    Mandalay is center of culture and Inle is with beautiful science and wonderful way of Inle people life . Both wroth while.

    A very poignant reminder of the reality, by mgzaymin%26#39;s entry.


    We travelled in Burma for three weeks and visited most of the major sites such as Rangoon, Inle Lake, Mandalay and Bagan. We loved each and every one of these places and found that each had its own special charm.

    Mandalay was definately one of the most amazing places we visited in Burma and perhaps we could say the week we spent here over Christmas was the highlight of the whole trip. Shopping in Mandalay, visiting the Mahamuni Paya, Amarapura %26amp; the U Bein Bridge, Saigang%26#39;s monastaries, Minguin%26#39;s Paya, Inwa and U Bein Bridge was the most incredible experience.

    If I was to return to Burma I would definately make Mandalay a priority. I would highly recommend it!

    Happy travels!


    It has been about 5 years since I was in Myanmar. My wife and I had gotten to the top of a temple in Mandalay. We were admiring the peaceful view when our guide was approached my a few young men who asked him if they could practice their English with us. The first question, to my American wife: ';Why are you so fat? Don%26#39;t you take exercise?';

    Perhaps 3 of the skinny young men put together would have equalled one of us. Everyone else in Myarmar were very polite and respectful, exactly what we were expecting.


    I forgot to ask in my last question: when we travelled through Vietnam we found it easy to find tours going to wherever we wanted to go, and they were much cheaper than if we had booked from home (Australia). Is this the same for Myanmar? Are we better off to arrive in yangon and find a tour or book something from home?


    Hi again,

    Yes, it is cheaper to book tours there (You need your US dollar notes, though). I book/arrange mine through Indochina Services (my earlier reply). I normally contact them well in advance from UK



    It is also easy to arrange for (or have a friendly hotel person help you) a guide at the few places (like Bagan and the ancient cities outside Mandalay).. At places like Inle Lake the friendly boatmen will act as guide... In Yangon a city tour including the ShweDagon pagoda) can be arranged if you feel you need it... Just about anything else.. a guidebook will be better than a tourguide...

    thankyou very much for your advice. it%26#39;s helped us make the decision to just book our flights and take care of trips etc over there. Can%26#39;t wait!

    guide book will help you but some time they can not update and places and all of info also wrong,but you have to hold it,guide ,that is his job but depend on what he mension or I can tell you that you use the agency,that you can get reliable and do not worry for what you want but expensive,if you use the guide who is really honest,he will help you more then agency,

    Noneed to book from home cause Burma you can arrange in here.flight ,hotel,guide and all of tourism.

    welcome to Burma

    Best Time to visit Ngapali Beach

    What is the best time of year to visit Ngapali Beach. I am thinking about going there in Dec / Jan. What will the climate be like at that time of year.

    Many Thanks

    Best Time to visit Ngapali Beach

    You are going at the best time of the year.

    We have been at Ngapali Beach on four occasions at that time and the weather was first class - warm to hot (27-33c) , occasional puffy clouds and only one rain shower (for 10 mins. one evening) and with a welcome sea breeze.

    Walking the beach is a great pastime.

    Worth reading the various Hotel %26amp; forum postings - you will love the area after a hectic trip around Myanmar.We fly there from Yangon on 3rd Jan next for 6 nights.


    Best Time to visit Ngapali Beach

    we went in febuary and didnt see a cloud!

    though it was cool in the evenings

    have travelled thailand /cambodia/and vietnam and must say we really enjoyed our time in myamar as we felt very relaxed and felt that we were safe

    ngapali beach is beautiful and not commercial at all

    stayed at ngpali beach hotel which is very central and worth looking at as it has nice rooms all with sea view and a lovely restaurant overlooking the sea

    if you require any more info you can e/mail me

    if not have agreat time

    ps looking at the date you posted ! After the demonstrations recently you might have changed your mind??

    i would still consider it as if you make sure who you spend your monies with (read various forums already posted) you can help some of those poor burmese people

    regards and good health


    For Burma generally the best weather is November to March, although by then it%26#39;s getting very hot. Ngapali is fine during this period. You may need a light sweater in the evening.

    It%26#39;s a wonderful beach, far better than anything in Thailand. Hire a scooter or bike and explore the surrounding villages. Buy some mohinga from a stall. the people are very friendly.

    Inle Area?

    Does anyone know if it%26#39;s worth flying into Helo, and then going to Pindaya and spending overnight at Pindaya Inle Inn or Kalaw Amara Resort? I like NICE hotels .... I am not crazy about driving all day ';to see something'; ...... I truly have been all over the world ... is Pindaya worth it or should I just focus on the ';Inle Lake : area ...... I have no real dislikes or likes except I like to see something NOTEWORTHY ... Lester ... I can '; hear you'; ...... but I have an extra day and want it on my itinerary ........ I can say no if I am tired ..... is it worth going to Pindaya?

    THis is my itinerary in brief

    Itinerary in brief:

    Feb 15 ( Friday)- Day 1 JFK – RGN on board

    Feb 16 Day 2 Still in transit arrive BKK 5 PM and leave for Yangon 6: 10 – arrive in Yangon 7 PM ( Traders Hotel with view of pagodas) 3 nights at YGN

    Feb 17 Day 3 Yangon ( to detox after long plane flight- afternoon touring

    Feb 18 Day 4 Yangon (F/D visits)

    Feb 19 Day 5 Bagan from Yangon (Hotel @Tharabar Gate) which is closer to temples 3 nights at Bagan

    Feb 20 Day 6 Bagon (F/D visits)

    Feb 21 Day 7 Bagon (F/D visits)

    Feb 22 Day 8 Bagon to Inle Lake; drive to Pindaya and visits, overnight at either Pindaya Inle Inn or Kalaw Amara Resort 1 night at PDY or KAL

    Feb 23 Day 9 Continue to Inle Lake. Check-in into Inle Princess Resort. PM boat excursion on Inle Lake (Inle Princess with Lake Views) 3 nights at Inle

    Feb 24 Day 10 Inle Lake (Inle Princess)

    Feb 25 Day 11 Inle Lake (Inle Princess)

    Feb 26 Day 12 Inle Lake- Ngapali Beach (in transit) (Sandoway beach front cottage or Amati Spa and Resort ( similar water front cottage/room) 3 nights at Ngapali

    Feb 27 Day 13 Ngapali Beach

    Feb 28 Day 14 Ngapali Beach

    Feb 29 Day 15 Ngapali Beach to Yangon (approximately 14:00 - 15:30); Yangon to Bangkok (TG 306; 20:00 local time from YGN to 21:45 local time at BKK) transit

    March 01 Day 16 TG 790; 00:40 local time from BKK to 06:35 local time at NewYork (Home) on the same day because traveling from east so that time is gained on board.

    Inle Area?

    I can not really give you advice on your specific question... My thoughts would be that unless you are ';in to'; trekking I would perhaps just leave out ';drive to Pindaya and visits, overnight at either Pindaya Inle Inn or Kalaw Amara Resort';.. bit... and head straight for Inle.

    My comments are these... you have a very light on itinerary...

    meaning that you are leaving out some very interesting places.. such as the ancient cities around Mandalay... which are far more interesting that the area that you are inquiring about.. as are some other terrific areas.. but you%26#39;ve no doubt done this for a reason.

    The Princess resort is one of the Lake resorts... very isolated from any real interaction with anyone but fellow tourists.. so your main, and only, real experience of the lake area would be the ';lake tour';..????

    Your transit time in Bangkok on arrival is very tight.. but if your flight from JFK is on time.. you should make it. If not, I guess an overnighter in Bangkok is not a big deal?

    You mention the pagoda view from Traders... do be aware you are in the middle of Yangon and the Swee Dagon pagoda is a fair way from there.. Its a nice enough hotel, (a modern concrete box)... in a fine location.. but don%26#39;t have too high expectations of the view.. I would describe it as '; looking at rusted old tin rooves';.

    Inle Area?

    Hi Mosegrisen

    I know my transfer time into Yangon upon arrival in BKK is tight but it is with the same airline ( Thai Air) out of JFK. JFK to BKK, and BKK to Yangon .... I have to assume that they will get us on that plane?

    I didn%26#39;t pick Mandalay because I didn%26#39;t want to ';run around'; like a chicken without a head. Plus, the flights are early in the AM around Myanmar and I HATE to get up at 5 AM when I am on vacation.

    I think you did answer my question though. Maybe I won%26#39;t go to Pindaya because I DONT like to trekk ...... I did read that although the Inle Princess is on a lake, and one must an an hour gettting to and from it via boat. However, the trip across the lake itself was lovely and peaceful. Is this not right?

    If I add in Mandalay, then I have to cut down on my time in some of the other places as I only have two weeks vacation.

    Any thoughts?



    Hi again,

    the Thai air connection should be ok... as you write.. Thai air will do their best to get you on the Yangon bound flight. I wasn%26#39;t trying to scare you.. merely an observation.

    Re: Inle Lake... the main reason for it being such an unusual and attractive place to go it the lake area itself and the boat tour(s) on the lake. If you are staying in Nyaung Shwe.. the town close to the lake you probably have more choice and control over how you spend your time and what you do.... having said this.. the resorts on the lake are undoubtedly a better standard than most hotels in town.

    Flights in Myanmar typically do ';triangle routes';... say you are taking a flight between Yangon and Heho... the morning flights go Yangon to Mandalay or Bagan and then on the Heho before returning to Yangon. Afternoon flights typically go Yangon to Heho and then on to Bagan or Mandalay... so inadvertently... there%26#39;s a high probability that you%26#39;ll stray through Mandalay .. no matter what you do. Trouble with Mandalay airport is that its 40 km out of town so a one hour and USD15.00 ride each way into town.

    Heho is a bit the same.. albeit a bit closer to Inle.... Whereas Bagan airport is very close to town(s)... Yangon is not too bad either.. about USD 6.00 or 7.00 and less than a half hour ride.

    The Pindaya cave and general area is nice enough.. I just think that you can spend your time seeing more worthwhile places .. that%26#39;s all:-)

    I%26#39;m sure that you already know the Ngapali Beach area is also very far from the places mentioned above.. Trouble with it all is the huge country and the time it takes to get from one place to another.

    Yangon air, Mandalay air and Bagan air all do more or less the same routes and strangely at almost the same departure times and identical ticket pricing.

    Looking at your plan again I%26#39;d like to add the suggestions that you don%26#39;t do the Bagan to Inle leg by road... but take a flight into Heho instead..... and that you spend another night in Yangon after Ngapali.. anything in Myanmar is just so fraud with uncetainty when it comes to transport... It also allows you to return to the Shwe Dagon for one more evening.... to reflect on one of the wonders of the world... For me ... the Hagia Sophia, then the Shwe Dagon, the pyramids (Egypt and Mexico) the Taj Mahal ... in that order.

    It just is a different world altogether... for me.. that%26#39;s what makes it worthwhile visiting....

    You have 14 nights.... I agree with the time that you allow for in Yangon at the beginning of your trip.. You really do need to rest up.. Traders is a good choice...

    Also the time you allow for in Bagan is wise... enough time to spend a day or two with a horsecart... just take it nice and slow...

    Inle.. I truly loved it.. we were there for 4 nights. but if I were short on time.. the main focus is one big day on the lake.. start at sun up.. and return after sunset... so you could cut it to 2 nights.... especially if you stick with the lake resort.. (I%26#39;d personaly go stir crazy there.. sorry:-)) I guess 3 nights is better.. allowing you to do 2 not so bid days on the lake... afterall you are on holiday:-)

    If you have any spare time (after further fretting over what to do)... spend it at the beach....

    I maintain that even 2 nights (one full day in a car around the ancient cities of Mandalay... Not the city itself) would for me be a must... but I do acknowledge that its better to keep it all simple than trying to cram too much in.... Happy travels.

    If you like good hotels you will not be disappointed in the Inle Princess - it is luxurious. On a visit in January I regret not visiting the vineyards nearby - I found the Myanmar red wines so good I brought a couple of bottles home.

    I concur with mosegrisen%26#39;s comments about the ShweDagon and be sure to visit in the evening when the lighting is at its best and most tourists are away at dinner. Guides want you to go in the afternoon but it is only at night a truly magical setting.

    That%26#39;s one huge problem about visiting Myanmar.. there is a beaten track between Yangon, Bagan, Mandalay, Inle and Ngapali... but then there is a so many other places too.... so spoilt for choice.. so much to see.. and so little time. All I can say is.. no matter what you end up choosing.... no matter if it is to your liking at first or not.... I do not think you will ever forget the time you spend there, the people, the light, the colours.... and again.. first and last.. the people.

    Well I think that%26#39;s a bit boring.

    You need more shopping for rugs and things that go om

    Maybe a Dosa or two and train ride with some local mice


    It%26#39;s definitely worth visiting Kalaw I think. The Amara Resort is very lovely. It%26#39;s a small family-run hill station. It can get a bit chilly at times in this area, but the hotel staff will lit the fireplace in your room or in the lounge if you like. If you want to experience local food, try the Seven Sisters%26#39; Restaurant in Kalaw village. The food is great and you should definitely have a look at the kitchen. If you go there from the Amara Resort, take a taxi driver to bring you back. It%26#39;s very dark in the night and difficult to find but everybody seems to know the Seven Sisters%26#39; and the Amara Resort. The market in Kalaw is also very nice, less touristy than many other markets that you will see on your trip. And if you have done a bit of trekking in the hills and maybe visited a family of one of the ethnic minorities in one of their longhouses, the people will greet you happily if they see you again the next day on the marketplace.

    At Inle Lake visit Indein in the morning (less touristy than in the afternoon). You should also take a day trip to the southernmost part of the lake. It%26#39;s beautiful. Don%26#39;t forget to take warm clothes, you%26#39;ll spend hours on one of those speedy little boats and it gets quite cold after a while (we were there in January).

    I think it%26#39;s quite ok to skip Mandalay and spend a bit more time in Bagan on your first trip. Bagan is a treasure. Even if you are not of the romantic type, it%26#39;s worth getting up early in the morning to watch the sunsise over the 2800 or so pagodas.

    Bagan is also famous for lacquerware. If you are interested in the traditional production process (without chemicals) go to Maung Aung Myin at the Ka Bar Lacquerware Artist Shop in Old Bagan. The owner of the shop is quite famous as he has delivered a ';paravent'; (folding screen or room-divider) to the British Museum. He also has a nice collection of antique lacquerware which he will gladly show you. They have nice little bowls which you can buy as a souvenir and they ship also to all parts of the world. If you order something you%26#39;ll have to be patient. Each layer of lacquerware needs to dry before the next one can be painted and the whole process takes about 10 month. Make sure you have enough cash (new and clean USD notes) just in case.

    If you like touristic place,that you should chose eastern bank of Inle lake(Nyaung Shwe,name of the town of Inle lake gote way).

    And if you like feel sense of lake stay in lake hotel%26lt;(Expensive and like quiet,chose western bank,I mension Hupin hotel cause all the time I chose for my guests,and that is so near the hill and you can see over view of lake and good sun rise from there.

    Welcome to Burma

    As others have said it can be COLD at night at Inle Lake. I was there last January and very grateful after dinner to return to my room at the Inle Princess and find an old-fashioned water bottle under the covers on my bed. It was wonderful and the heat lasted til morning. Because Southeast Asia is considered tropical we forget how cool it can be at higher elevations. The same was true in Laos at Luang Prabang where unfortunately there was no water bottle in the bed. At both places by 10:00 all was warm and sunny.

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  • What do you think, deal or steal????

    Dear fellow tripadvisors,

    Please have a look at the following itin and suggested hotel list. constructed very efficiently by ***** for USD 1800.00 per person. I was hoping to have more internal flights, but perhaps the destinations are not connected by air travel??? Any comments on air travel as opposed to long car journies????


    Yangon Kandawgyi Palace Hotel superior room

    Bagan Myanmar Treasure Resort – superior room

    Mandalay Mandalay Hill Resort – superior room

    Kalaw Pine Hill Resort – superior room

    Inle Myanmar Treasure Resort – deluxe room



    Arrive at Yangon Airport, meet the assigned guide and transfer to hotel. Check in hotel. Lunch in the hotel. Afternoon visit Chaukhtatgyi Reclining Buddha Image and Shwedagon Pagoda, one of the wonders of the world, where one can see and enjoy the beauties of the Pagoda and the life style of Myanmar People. Dinner at a restaurant with traditional music and dances. Overnight at the hotel.

    DAY 2: YANGON / BAGAN (by flight) ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Transfer to Airport and fly to Bagan, the Ancient Capital and Birth place of Myanmar Culture. Morning sightseeing begins with visit to the Shwezigon Pagoda, prototype of later Myanmar satupas; Wetkyi-in Gubyakkyi Temple, with fine mural paintings of jataka scenes; Htilominlo Temple, noted for its plaster carvings; Tharaba City Gate, the oldest extent of Bagan architecture. Lunch at Local Restaurant. Afternoon visit begins with lacquer-ware factory, Myinkaba Gubyaukkyi Temple, a typical Mon style temple; Manuha Temple, a captured king%26#39;s impression of life in prison; Nanpaya Temple; an earliest masterpiece with its fine stone carvings; photo stop at Seinnyet Nyima Pagodas, a temple and a stupa with exquisite design and Mingala zedi pagoda, on of the last ones built in Bagan; sunset from a suitable temple or pagoda. Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

    DAY 3: BAGAN ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Morning sightseeing in South East Bagan featuring 13th century temples; Nandamanya; Thambula and Lemyethna Temples, noted for their fine mural paintings of Mahayanist character. Lunch at Local Restaurant. Ananda Temple, an architectural masterpiece resembling a Greek Cross; and Thatbyinnyu, the highest of Bagan Temples; and Bupaya Pagoda, a Pyu style pagoda on the brink of the majestic Ayeyarwaddy River. Dinner at a restaurant. Overnight at the hotel.

    DAY 4: BAGAN / MANDALAY (by car) ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Morning transfer by car to Mandalay, the Capital of the last Myanmar monarch, a 300 km north east of Bagan. the land route journey is about 8 hrs allowing to see the vegetation of the central dry zone, the way of life of farmers and rice cultivation. Lunch en route. Arrive Mandalay. Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

    DAY 5: MANDALAY / MINGUN / MANDALAY (by boat) ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Excursion to Mingun, a village on the western bank of Ayeyarwaddy River. Tour highlights include Settawya Pagoda with a marble foot print of Buddha; Pondawyapaya, nearby the river; Pahtodawgyi, an enormous pile of bricks is all that remains of King Bodawpaya%26#39;s grandiose scheme; Mingun Bell, the world%26#39;s largest ringing bell weighing 90 tons; Mingun Village; and Shinbume Pagoda, most attractive pagoda built in 1816 by King Bodawpaya%26#39;s grandson in memory of one of his wives. Lunch en route. After lunch, visit Maha Muni Buddha Image and handy crafts workshops such as making of gold leaves, woodcarvings, marble carvings etc.Then proceed to Shwe Kyaung, a monastery once King Mindon’s royal palace apartment for meditation, incomparable Atumashi monastery and ending up the day with Mandalay Hill, vantage point for the view of Mandalay. Dinner in a typical restaurant. Overnight at Hotel.


    Breakfast at hotel. Morning excursion to Ancient Capital Amarapura, 11 Kilometres south of Mandalay visiting Mahagandayon monastery; 1.2 Kilometer long U Bein Wooden Bridge and visit handicraft workshop. Lunch en route. Afternoon excursion to Sagaing driving over Inwa (Ava) Bridge across the Ayeyarwaddy River. Tour highlights are Ywataung Village, silver smith workshop and Sagaing Hills, a retreat for Buddhist devotees with numerous pagodas and monasteries. Return to Mandalay. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight at hotel.

    DAY 7: MANDALAY / MAYMYO / MANDALAY (by car) ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Excursion starts with 2 hours drive to cool, hill station of Pyin U Lwin, 80 km away from Mandalay with waterfalls, beautiful gardens and its colonial era housings. Also visit Peik Chin Myaun cave, and (if available) horse drawn cart riding. Return to Mandalay. Dinner and overnight in Mandalay.

    DAY 8: MANDALAY / KALAW (by car) ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Then, leading the road to Shan State, the Shan State known for its colorful markets, scenery, country-sides and especially its people, a mixture of tribal races (about 10hrs drive). Lunch en route. Arrive Kalaw, former hill station of British Raj and still bear the atmosphere of colonial era. From Kalaw there are good trekking and hiking possibilities to the neighboring hill tribe villages, which still alive the same as they did centuries ago. Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

    DAY 9: KALAW ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Day at leisure. Enjoy walking through Kalaw, visiting the local market, the tiny train station. Lunch at local restaurant. Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

    Optional Trekking Tour: Take a walk through the hills. At first a steep track leads up to a view point which offers great views over Kalaw. From there we walk down to Taung Min Gyi, a village of the Pa O tribe. The Palaung cultivate cheroot, tea, damsons and mangoes on the hillsides. From here the track crosses the valley floor before climbing very steeply again to the Palaung village of Pinnabin. The village has an interesting long house for eight families. Observe tribal village life and how the Palaung people dry cheroot in a specially designed oven. Formerly animists, the Palaung people have mostly converted to Buddhism. Return to your hotel.

    DAY 10: KALAW / PINDAYA / INLE (by car) ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Morning sightseeing around Kalaw. Then transfer to Pindaya, a small quiet town with beautiful lake. Visit Pindaya Cave with its numerous Buddha images in different styles and from different periods, picturesque Boutaloke Lake, beautifully set amongst huge old trees, some local houses where families produce Shan paper and parasols. Lunch en route. Transfer to Inle Lake, about 100 km away from Pindaya. Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

    DAY 11: INLE ( B,L,D)

    Breakfast at hotel. Excursion of the lake well known for its scenic beauty and its unique leg rower. Tour highlights include Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda; wonderful floating gardens; floating market on its market day;native method of fishing ; traditional weaving villages; and village life in the lake. Lunch at a local restaurant. (Please note that the floating market is once every 5 days, but may vary according to the Buddhist Sabathdays.) Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

    DAY 12: INLE / HEHO (by car) ( B,L,D)- HEHO/ YANGON (by flight)

    Breakfast at hotel. Transfer to Heho for the flight to Yangon. Lunch in a restaurant. Afternoon photo stop around Sule Pagoda and City Centre and shopping. Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

    DAY 13: YANGON departure( B)

    Breakfast at hotel. Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure flight.

    What do you think, deal or steal????

    Just 2 observations:

    It is a very ambitious itinerary and given the condition of roads in Myanmar I personally would find it tiring, but for you it may not be a problem. My trip would probably be Yangon/ Bagan/ Mandalay and Inle Lake, and by air.

    I also think of the Shwedagon as one of the wonders of the world but urge anyone to visit in the evening when all the tourists are dining elsewhere. Then you not only have the full effect of the lighting which is pure magic but also mingle with the local people instead of other tourists. I would give up any entertainment Yangon has to offer to spend an evening, not an afternoon, at the Pagoda, and I have done this since my first visit in 1981.

    What do you think, deal or steal????

    Thanks for your feedback, I too am concerned with the high amount of time spent in the car.

    I am not sure how to trim the itin, as there is travelling on day trips around Mandalay.

    What do you think of the price and hotels that have been suggested, on this forum some of the places chosen such as in Yangon and Mandalay better options are available for us.

    My only comment would be this.. you can do a whole lot of travelling for USD 1,800.00 (per person) in Myanmar....

    Last year two of us spent less than that... (for 2 people).. we were in the country for 17 days and or nights.. .. we went to a few of the hotels you mention... incl. Kandawgyi Palace Hotel (and Traders)... bought airline tickets... had great food and plenty of beer... Were generous with transport, guides and tips... and still had money left over for a few mementos.

    Read a guidebook.. do a bit more homework on this forum and on the lonely planet Thorntree.. make a few (simple) arrangements and go with the flow (of tourists).. There%26#39;s beaten path along the iteneary that you mention... You just can%26#39;t go wrong... and if you do.. you get put back on-track instantly.... Hotels can be booked on-line.. sites such as hoteltravel and asiarooms, are good places to begin looking and use the googler... Happy travels:-)

    I think the amount is fair considering the cost of gas with all your traveling by car. Unless you are someone who wants to see everything I think you could give up some of the day trips - that%26#39;s a lot of bouncing around on poor roads.

    If you are interested in wine I suggest visiting one of the vineyards near Inle Lake (your hotel can arrange it). This is wine country and the reds are surprisingly good - in fact I brought a few bottles home.

    And remember in Yangon the best evening entertainment, no matter what your guide says, is at the Shwedagon IMO.


    A new quote from another operator, the price is 1077 per person?


    Day 01 Arrive Yangon with evening flight

    Meet on arrival at Yangon International airport transfer to hotel for check in. Overnight at Summit Parkview hotel ***, superior room.

    Day 02 Full day excursion in Yangon

    After breakfast visit to Chaukhtatgyi reclining Buddha image then to Sule Pagoda, Maha Bandoola Park with Independence Monument , located at the heart of the city. Tour continue to Bogyoke market- a shopping market with more than 2000 shops selling all kinds of products but of special mention is the beautiful exotic “Shan Bag” velvet slippers, lacquer ware, Gems shorps and all sorts of handicraft.

    Early evening visit to Botataung Pagoda and Nanthida jetty. Then visit to the 2,500 years old magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda sheathed in 11 tons of pure gold and 4,350 diamonds weighing 1800 carats! At sunset, the Shwedagon offers visitor a spectacular show of lights and shadows. Overnight at Summit Parkview Hotel. (B)

    Day 03 Yangon – Mandalay by am flight – Amarapura by car

    After breakfast at the hotel, you will be transfer to airport for flight to Mandalay . On arrival to Tada-Oo International Airport , you will be proceeding to an ancient city of Amarapura, 11 km south of Mandalay highlighting Mahagandayon Monastery, Bagaya Monastery with a famous collection of Buddha images. Then proceed to 1.2 km long U Bein Wooden Bridge, built since 1782 with over 1700 huge teak pillars, is one of the worth visiting sites. The clients can have leisurely walk on the 1.2 KM long bridge.

    Then on the way to Hotel, visit to the famous Mahamuni Pagoda, one of the most sacred Buddha Image in Mandalay . Then a short visit to Gold foil making cottage industry. Check-in at hotel and followed by afternoon sightseeing that begins with Mandalay Palace, Shwenandaw Monastery, noted for its exquisite wood carvings; Kuthodaw Pagoda, known as the World’s Biggest Book for its stone slabs of Buddhist scriptures. Tour continues to Mandalay Hill, a vantage point for a panoramic view of the city and a spectacular sunset view.

    It is worthy to have a stroll up the hill enjoying panoramic views from different location. Return can be made by car as there is also a car track by the base of elevator just before the platform. Overnight at Mandalay City Hotel ***, Deluxe room. (B)

    Day 04 Mandalay – Mingun – Ava – Sagaing excursion

    After breakfast transfer to jetty for 45 minutes boat trip to Mingun. Sightseeing around Mingun includes: Mingun pagoda known as the biggest brick pile, biggest ringing Mingun bell and Myatheintan Pagoda.

    Then visit to Inwa ( Ava ), a historical capital founded by King Thado Minbya in 1364. Extended visit will be made to Maha Aungmye Bonzan Monastery which is a fine example of Myanmar masonry art and architecture, Mainu Brick Monastery and old watch tower.

    Tour continues to picturesque Sagaing Hills, 21 km south-east of Mandalay and west bank of Ayeyarwaddy River. Sagaing Hills is a retreat for Buddhist devotees with numerous pagodas and monasteries. Return to Mandalay and overnight at Mandalay City Hotel. (B)

    Day 05 Mandalay – Bagan by boat

    After breakfast transfer to Jetty for a whole riverine cruise on the majestic Ayeyarwaddy River from Mandalay to Nyaung Oo. Enjoy the extraordinary scenic and interesting sights along the picturesque Ayeyarwaddy River on Shwe Kein Nayee OR Malikha boat with the capacity of (200) passengers, Hall provided with comfortable reclining seats. On arrival transfer to hotel for check in and overnight at Thande Hotel ***, Superior room. (B)

    Day 06 Bagan excursion

    After breakfast visit to Shwezigon Pagoda a prototype of later Myanmar stupa. Then to Wetkyi-in Gubyaukkyi Temple with fine mural pain-tings of Jataka scenes. After that , transfer to Hotel for check-in.

    Afternoon sightseeing tour continues with visits to lacquer ware industry where you can study traditional Myanmar lacquerware making, Manuha Temple with gigantic Buddha images, a captive king%26#39;s impression of life in prison; Nanpaya, an Early-style temple with the finest stone carvings. Although it has spots lights installed, it would be safer to bring your own touch as electricity supply can be shut-off from time to time.

    In the evening you will be visiting the Ananda Temple, an architectural masterpiece resembling a Greek Cross.

    Overnight at Thande Hotel. (B)

    (In Bagan there are more than 2000 temples %26amp; stupas. Indeed it is difficult to cover all temples within limited time. Therefore we have carefully selected only some major temples for you in order to avoid hectic tourism. But if you want to see more temples, just let your guide or driver knows. They can show you as much temples as possible within your stay.)

    Day 07 Bagan full day tour

    After breakfast morning sightseeing tour begins with Shwe Gukyi temple for panoramic morning beauty of old Bagan area. Here you will have the chance to study the ruin palace site of Bagan. Then visit to the highest temple of Bagan “Thatbyinnyu”. Then to Dhammayangyi, a massive temple with the finest brickwork.

    Then a last temple before lunch, will be Sulamuni temple where you can see fine frescos from 18th century Kone Baung era and it also has a beautiful back round history so make sure you get that.

    Late afternoon visit begins with your option either Lacquer ware making village or Minnan thu village to see the typical Myamar style of village life. Then proceed to Lay Myathna and Phaya Thonezu Temple and have a stroll among the ruin temple. Overview of Bagan temple from nearby temple called Tayoke Pyay and that calls for that day. Overnight at Thande Hotel. (B)

    Day 08 Bagan – Heho by am flight – Pindaya – Kalaw by car

    After breakfast transfer to airport for flight to Heho. On arrival drive to Pindaya (2 hrs drive), enjoy the scenic beauty of the countryside along the way to town. Visit Pindaya Lake and Pindaya Shwe U Min cave, well – known for its countless Buddha images.

    Then proceed to drive to Kalaw (2 hrs drive), check in at hotel and overnight at Pine Hill Resort **, Superior room. (B)

    Day 09 Kalaw trekking

    After breakfast at hotel, trekking to Palaung Hills in Kalaw surrounding area and visit the hill tribe villages in their colourful costumes. Evening visit Theindaung Monastery, Aung Chan Tha Phayar, Shweohnmin Phayar and caves. Overnight at Pine Hill Resort. (B)

    Day 10 Kalaw – Inle by car

    After breakfast visit local market then drive to Nyaung Shwe where Inle Lake is situated (2 hrs drive). On arrival check in at hotel then followed by sightseeing to unique leg-rowers and scenic beauty. Tour highlights: Paungdaw Oo Pagoda; wonderful floating gardens; native methods of fishing; Nga Pe Chaung Monastery, and Stilt house villages life on the lake.

    Overnight at Treasure Resort ***, Deluxe room. (B)

    Day 11 Inle lake excursion

    After breakfast at hotel, transfer to jetty for boat to the hidden treasure of Inle Lake ( 1:20 hours boat trip ). It is Shwe Indaing pagoda complex that is newly open to International travelers where one will be totally amaze of ruined stup as from 13” century. On the way, you will enjoy the nature beauty on the way like vegetable gardens, child and young monks ( novices ) enjoying their morning bath in the clear stream, water buffaloes and people among the paddy fields etc.

    After a nice stroll among the pagoda complex, walk back along the bamboo forest to the jetty to take back the boat to Inle Lake . Then visit the Silver Smith to experience the local methods of making silver wares. Then visit the Lotus fiber weaving at Ann’s restaurant and enjoy the scenic view of Inle Lake from the terrace. Then return to Nyaung Shew. Overnight at Treasure Resort. (B)

    Day 12 Inle – Heho – Yangon by pm flight

    After breakfast visit to Eidaung Gyi village, Mine Thauk village. Then transfer to airport for flight back to Yangon . On arrival transfer to hotel and overnight at Summit Parkview Hotel. (B)

    Day 13 Departure with am flight

    After breakfast transfer to airport for International flight. (B)


    well, a good one though....


    The second tour is more pleasing to me. Yangon fly to Mandalay.

    Boat from Mandalay to Bagan. Fly Bagan to Heho(Inle Lake). Fly Heho to Yangon. Most efficient - less %26#39;car%26#39; time. The price is more in line with reality also. It may suit your style, but I would prefer to explore on my own in many of these places. I went to the Scott Mkt and Schwedagon on my own (as well as other places in Yangon.)

    I would again use a guide in Mandalay for one day at least. Whatever you decide, you will find myanmar fascinating. Enjoy.


    We did 15 days with a tour company who were excellent ( Columbus) We flew everywhere we could, and the car time we did do was quite enough for me! Our hotels were down market from yours, but it was $1000 per person. We would upgrade a bit if going again. I would skip Kalaw for flights and more time at Inle Lake if I were you. It was nice to have some relaxing time and Inle lake is the place.


    don%26#39;t use a tour copany! just fly out there and play it by ear, speak to people when you are there. If you book a trip with a tour company you will be giving 50% of your money to the tour company and the government in Myanmar. I know, I work for a tour company! My advice to everybody in the world is book everything yourself individually!

    The poins that ';unwill'; are very valid.... Government issue aside... why indeed pay double and get less, when it%26#39;s so easy to make the arrangements yourself? Pay half and get more.. and support the locals as a bonus.

    Festivals in july

    I%26#39;m about to plan a trip to Myanmar in July 2008. I have read there are some festivals in july, but can%26#39;t find any detailed information about the festivals, only name and time. Someone who know anything about the fetivals in detail, where they are, which to recommend? The areas I think I will go for are Yangon, Inle Lake, Bagan, Mandalay and mabe a beach along the westcost somewhere. My planning is just i don%26#39;t know yet.

    Festivals in july

    The link below will give you the festivals for 2008. Unfortunately July has not got any:

    Festivals in july

    They seem to have left these of though:

    Full moon day of Waso July 18 (I think) and Martyrs Day... July 19

    Yes, I think there was forgotten some in july, like

    Waso Fullmoon Day (15 Jul) - Venue - the whole country,

    Fish Feeding Ceremony (13 Jul - 10 Oct) - Venue - Pwinphyu, near Magwe

    Martyr%26#39;s Day (19 Jul) - Venue - the whole country

    Thihoshin Pagoda Festival (7 Jun - 22 Jul)

    Venue - Pakkoku

    Shinbinsagyo Pagoda Ceremony (12 Jul - 13 Jul)

    Venue - Salay

    Perhaps these festivals are not worth to mention...? Is it possible to get som detailed information about it?

    July is during the wet or ';green'; season....

    There is not a whole lot of information on-line about these festivals. If I find anything further, I will post it.

    Thanks a lot, I will continue searching for a while:)

    Waso Fullmoon Day (15 Jul) - Venue - the whole country,

    The monks start their fasting day for 3 months.They can%26#39;t go overnight at other place. A lot of people go to pagoda, monastery and offer robes to monks . For Buddhist , believe that on that day Buddha went to heaven for his mother and return back after 3 months.

    In old days, the next day of Waso full moon day , people in village , go around to forest or fields to look for flowers ( we call it ';waso pan';)pick it up and offer to god.

    Fish Feeding Ceremony (13 Jul - 10 Oct) - Venue - Pwinphyu, near Magwe.

    During this time, no one know that how the big fishes come to the pagoda at that time. (Properly they come up for laying eggs or something) but local people see this fishes once a year only and so they feed the fishes.

    Martyr%26#39;s Day (19 Jul) - Venue - the whole country

    Nothing to see. on 1947 , July 19 , Daw Aung Sun Sui Kyi%26#39;s Father , national hero of Aung Sun and group got assassinated on that day.

    Thihoshin Pagoda Festival (7 Jun - 22 Jul)

    Venue - Pakkoku

    Shinbinsagyo Pagoda Ceremony (12 Jul - 13 Jul)

    Venue - Salay

    That two are just simple pagoda festival .You can observe way of Myanmar village people life but don%26#39;t wast your time unless you passing by.

  • isotretinoin
  • visa


    I´ll be going to Myanmar in Feb 08 and have been reading about visa on arrival.Can anyone help me with this?has anyone done the visa on arrival? are you required to give the full itenerary for the full stay hotel reservations and all? and how long does it take?

    Tks for help


    There is no longer any ';visa on arrival'; service for Myanmar. It is however possible to “pre-arrange” visa through some travel agents and tour companies. If you choose to go this way... do yourself a favour.. check out the references posted on their web page and decide if you would like to have your personal info including photo posted for everyone to see and make use of!

    If you apply through an embassy they require a broad itinerary... as long as you outline the dates for entry and departure as well as the places you intend to visit there no stringent requirements for sticking to this. The form also has a question about address in Myanmar.. just put your first intended hotel down.. It’s not important.


    Usually it takes about one month ahead. Some travel agents do not sell visa service only. They ask for their package too. Some only do for the visa service only. Try to contact this address.

    Adventure Myanmar Travel , or

    They will ask you to buy their package too. Anyway quotation is free of charge and you will get more info.

    Visit , you can do visa service only. If you go through all this forum , you will get information too. So many people ask about this visa issue previously in this forum too.

    Thank you people for prompt and useful reply.

    How to go from Bagan to Ngapali?

    Dear fellow travellers,

    great we are all so enthusiastic about Burma!

    Question: in january we would like to spend the last few days of our holiday at Ngapali. Our trip is more or less fixed till Bagan. What would be the best to travel from Bagan to Ngapali?

    Is it by plane via Yangon, or is over road an option?



    How to go from Bagan to Ngapali?

    Road is not a realistic option. Flights from Bagan or Heho, possibly via Yangon.

    How to go from Bagan to Ngapali?

    Last year, Air Mandalay have direct flight from Bagan to Ngapali but it is now depend on their weekly schedule. So , check with air mandalay upon your arrival. They fly depend on the demand.

    For example, last week they have flight from Bagan to Ngapali but this week from Mandalay to Ngapali on 21-11-07 , another flight on today , 19-11-07 , Bagan-Mandalay-Heho-Ngapali- Yangon. Every week they change. So , you have to check upon arrival. Please note that in their schedule they mention as , Bagan as (Nyaung-U) , Ngapali as ( Thandwe).

    Another possible is by car . Bagan to Pyay ( about 8 hrs drive), stop over night and then Pyi to Ngapali (about 9 hrs drive) if you have time. Usually, in January, road is already repair and not so bad but we cann%26#39;t tell exactly.

    Otherwise, you have to fly back to Yangon , change plane or stay over night at Yangon and fly again to Ngapali.

    trouble booking from UK

    Sorry all, im having trouble booking 9 nights in Ngapali 30 dec-8 jan. Tried phoning from London and language barrier a bit difficult. The Amata, which is where we had our heart set on is saying fully booked for those dates in the cabana style rooms and we might have to change rooms 3 times!!! Tried all the agencies by email you have all suggested but no response.......any ideas? Also need to book the domestic flight Yangon-Ngapali-Yangon from UK asap. None of them will let you book online - even our 3 nights in Yangon booked through a UK agent with our international flights are unconfirmed and on waiting lists? We dont want to leave it to chance until we get there in peak season and our honeymoon - p,s help!

    trouble booking from UK

    Have you tried Diethelm Travel in Bangkok? I have used them for 25 years traveling in SE Asia including Burma/Myanmar.

    trouble booking from UK

    Not sure if you are more likely to be successful with the larger or with smaller travel outfits.

    Diethelm Travel is part of the Swiss ';Keller group';.. who also operate, very active with tours in Southeast Asia in general and in Myanmar in particular.

    Another large group is the Myanmar:

    I think the problem that you are facing is, you are trying to book individual hotel rooms during the peak season, while the agents are wanting to sell full tour packages. The upmarket hotels have commited most of their rooms to these groups or are in fact owned by these groups. So they don%26#39;t really like to cater for individual travellers.... that%26#39;s my theory... for what it%26#39;s worth.

    If I were in your shoes, I would not risk a honey-moon trip on the hope that they will look after you.... Book your 9 days of beach time in Thailand instead.

    Leaving anything to chance in Myanmar is tricky particularly if your time is limited - and on your honeymoon! Since what you want is beach life I would also say Thailand instead. There is only one Bagan and one Inle Lake but plenty of beach choices throughout SE Asia without sweating out the travel arrangements.

    would suggest you book your internal flights via a local travel agent. i have have just booked the same flights as you require via exotissimo (far east travel agent with offices in Rangoon) . they have website and you can e-mail them . they sorted me with minimum fuss at good prices. alos got them to book Amata (which was virtually booked upthen ) last month for january dates. they will be able to arrange alternatives to Amata quite easily. i have been impressed.

    our hotel in yangon is also on a waiting list however i think it just means its a little early for the hotel to confirm as yet.

    You%26#39;re all right - the only hotel which there seems to be some possibility at is the bayview and it will be extortionate no doubt...we are going to try and head onto thailand now for beach but we cant change our international flights so will still go to myanmar first for sightseeing and then onto question is can yuo fly direct from Yangon to any of the thai resorts direct rather than via Bangkok?

    Don%26#39;t worry to much about internal flights - I have travelled both sides of New Year many times and never been on a full plane yet.

    V.surprised at your experience with hotel confirmations-even our stays at The Savoy and Dusit Inya Lake over the busy period were confirmed by e.mail/fax within 48 hours.

    Sandoway at peak season is v.v.expensive but if you want to try , they will respond very quickly to an e.mail request.

    Incidentally we have had our flights to / from Thandwe already confirmed for 3rd/9th Jan.

    Hope you get it all sorted.

    Reply to question about flights from Myanmar to Thailand. There are only flights from Yangon to Bangkok and Chiang Mai. No flights directly to the beach areas in the South of Thailand. Only via Bangkok.

    Dear Mazzaroo,

    If you do not get the rooms in Ngapali, why don%26#39;t you try another beach, called ';Ngwe Saung'; newly developed and it about 5 hrs drive away from Yangon . There are numbers of deluxe hotels , including Aurum Palace Resort, Palm beach, Sunny Paradise and Bay of Bangle , numbers of choice there. You can fly to Yangon to Pathain by Air Bagan which is about 45 minutes drive away from beach too if you don%26#39;t want to drive from Yangon to Ngwe Saung.

    Hi Mazzaroo,

    I%26#39;ve been away in Bonnie Scotland! Looks like others have been very helpful. I suspect the current new is causing some interruptions. Just been speaking to a friend of mine who is going in about 4 week%26#39;s time. They are following the news closely. They told me they%26#39;ll be booking their hotels and flights when they get there. They%26#39;re also going to Ngapali. There are other good hotels I can suggest like the Thande Ngapali, The Ngapali Beach Hotel and the Aureum Ngapali. The Ngapali Beach , being older than the other two; but the beach for the three is the best part of the whole Ngapali Beach! Being newer, the Thande and the Aureum would be more luxurious I guess.


  • Name for a new kitten
  • Aureum Palace

    Has anyone seen or stayed at this place? Would love to know about it. Thanks!

    Aureum Palace

    Hi leloir,

    Aureum Palace is one of the best hotel chain in Myanmar and own by U Tay Za , Htoo Trading. If we do not consider politic , we have to say , the place is very beautiful ,nice view and rooms are very nice . However , when I stay in last year , the service is not very good (may be because they just opened at that time) but will be worth paying.

    The location is a bit far if you compare with other hotels but the best hotel in Bagan . There is the tower in the hotel compound and you can watch beautiful sun set there too.

    Aureum Palace

    We had a great stay at the Aureum Palace in Bagan last February. Beautiful infinity pool, good restaurant and fabulous sunset views from our 2-story ';Lotus'; villa. We paid $235/night including breakfast, tax and service through Santa Maria Travels and Tours in Yangon. Likely the nicest resort in all of Myanmar.

    Remember that you will be staying at a modern hotel built in the middle of an archaeological site by one of the main supporters of the junta on land “given to him” by the junta, who has become the richest man in Burma through arms and “other” trade.

    It’s for you to choose where you stay and whom you support....

    Just know the background before you decide.

    In Bagan last winter I only walked the grounds of the Aureum Palace. Undoubtedly it is opulent but so out of place in Bagan and an intruder on the temple grounds. I consider the tower an eyesore. I don%26#39;t mind new luxury hotels like the Inle Princess which fits beautifully in its surroundings as the Aureum does not

    And the decorator certainly went overboard with the abundance of metal birds lining the paths!

    Absolutely a place for ';$$$ laundry'; ....lots Russians were recorded guests there who needs to wash %26#39;em out as well. You have right to stay there though! Staffs are over proud due to their position in the Country regardless of their dis-qualification (not in paper) in the service industry.

    Adroit_River, quote

    ';Staffs are over proud due to their position in the Country regardless of their dis-qualification (not in paper) in the service industry.';

    I feel the same on their ';Air Bagan'; too when they started but improve a bit now .

    Trip Yangon - Kyaiktiyo (Golden Rock - Yangon

    Dear fellow travelers,

    I will be in Yangon in January. Would like to go out of Yangon one day to Kyaiktiyo (Golden Rock), spend the night, and go back to Yangon. Preferably, would like to do this by hired car + driver. Any suggestions about the costs that would normally be?

    Thanks in advance!


    Trip Yangon - Kyaiktiyo (Golden Rock - Yangon

    More or less USD 100/ for the trip depend on the car condition and diesel price at that time. I just ask to my friend and he said, he can go with USD 100 for today.

    Trip Yangon - Kyaiktiyo (Golden Rock - Yangon

    More or less USD 100/ for the trip depend on the car condition and diesel price at that time. I just ask to my friend and he said, he can go with USD 100 for today.

    Thanks for the advice! Good indication, will book when in Yangon!

    Also thanks for the AirAsia advise, I%26#39;m going to call them because my travel continues in Thailand after visiting Myanmar with some pre-booked hotels.


    Tipping the guides

    We are going to Myanmar next week (two ladies) and we will have about 4 guides.

    Can anybody advice us about tipping the guides?

    How much is a proper tip for a 2-3 days of guiding?

    Thank you all


    Tipping the guides

    That depend on your generously and that is also depend on the guide who try to explain and use the his/her knowledges and services and mental,

    tip is really good for them (guides),

    welcome to Burma

    Tipping the guides

    Hock - Singapore


    I Was Given to Understand That Most Guide Earn An Average Of

    US$15.00 Per Day Work.


    When I Was In Mandalay In May 2007, I Had A Tour Guide For

    6.1/2 Days Tour And I Tip Him $10.00 For Each Full Day And

    US$5.00 For Half-Day.


    I just returned from Myanmar. When I left I gave the guide all the USD I had left which amounted to $15.62 per day. The tour and service was so outstanding that I would have given more if I could. In addition, I had previously traded him two five dollar bills for ones he could not use. Be sure to take enough cash in pristine bills.

  • isotretinoin
  • Map of Yangon

    I have downloaded Map of Yangon from the Internet.. I will be bringing it with me.. Will l be allowed? If not will l be able to buy a map in Yangon to go around? Please advise..

    Map of Yangon

    Dear Salwm,

    No problem at all. You can get the Yangon Map so easily at Yangon too. You don%26#39;t need to buy, It is free of charge . You can get it from your hotel. Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, most of the maps are distributed free of charges from DPS company.

    Map of Yangon

    Scroll down this page:

    and DPS will send you an excellent map - completely free.

    The order form is about 1/2 down the page.

    When we arrived at the airport in Yangon, maps were handed to us without even asking. In addition the individual maps in the LP guide were helpful.

    Air Asia Schedule - hearing different stories

    Dear all,

    question about Air Asia. I have booked a flight out of Yangon to Bangkok on January 29. That%26#39;s a tuesday. After reading some postings on this forum that mention that Air Asia only flies out on monday, wednesday and friday, I did get a bit nervous. Their online schedule still states they are flying out on a daily basis.

    Anyone able to shed some more light on this?


    Erik Kievit

    Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Air Asia Schedule - hearing different stories

    It%26#39;s true that their schedule states daily flights.

    But if you try and book flights on days other than MON/WED/FRI through November you will find that they have not been operating to schedule. However, it does look as if they intend to resume daily flights from December 1... They also intended to resume daily flights on November 1 and they didn鈥檛. We just have to wait and see..

    Air Asia Schedule - hearing different stories

    Well, as per advice from our travel agent, you have to check at their web site for flying date . They do not even fix the date like you mention, MON/WED/FRI according to my travel agent. Price has been increased to between USD 130~200 . Their web address is .

    Thats what I get to know from my travel agent in Yangon.

    AirAsia has now recommenced daily flights between Bangkok and Yangon as off December first.

    It%26#39;s true.. not daily..schedule..even TG! should be noted.. Tuesday. no Idea..better go to regional ..operation... name.. Htoo Htoo!

    for the email.. check..


  • emo myspace