How is the weather in these places in June?
Does it rain very much. Every day? Many hours a day?
Is it OK to travel by hired car in this area at that time.
Is it floaded in many places. Is it a OK time to go there
it you have no other choice. Happy for all answers.
Jesper from Sweden
Weather in Mandalay, Bagan and Lake Inle in June
Hi Jesping,
It is still very hot in June in these places. Towards the later half of June, it gets very humid as well because of the approaching rainy season which generally starts around the end of June early July. You can see the clouds gathering and you may get one or two ';trial'; rains and thunderstorms. Travelling by car will be OK in all these places. It is when the monsoon is set in July or a bit later that roads get difficult particularly around Inle Lake as it is on the Shan Plateau. Having said that, then, you may find roads flooded in Mandalay and particularly in Yangon due to the drains being unable to cope with the volume of water. Bagan get much less rain. Even in the rainy season/monsoon, you may, at most, get a light shower or drizzle the most. It will be very pleasant in Bagan in July/August. In June it will still be hot but perhaps with some cloud cover.
Travelling to Myanmar/Burma in June, be prepared for the heat and humidity: light cotton/linen clothes: shorts and T -shirts and small face towels will be very useful.
Weather in Mandalay, Bagan and Lake Inle in June
In the usual weather , moonsone season start in Myanmar at around 15 of May . For Bagan, Mandalay and in Inle, the moonsone arrive on middle of June. However, these place are less rain and when the raine come, it is very heavy and then stop.Thats mean, not many hours a day.
Usually, Yangon have more rain .July, August and September is more rain then in June.
Flood in Myanmar usually happen in August .
Thank you very much for usefull information. I will concider the facts you have given me. All the best. Jesping
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